If you are looking for a good massage near Dubai Mall, you will find a plethora of options ranging from Thai massage to Swedish, acupuncture to ayurvedic, and a lot more. Among all these varieties, there is also Russian Massage which you can easily get at Cora Spa. If you haven’t heard of it as often as the other types, it’s because Russian massage usually goes under the name of sports massage.
Experts have developed it from an older technique of massage prevalent in Russia. This technique involved the use of oak or birch branches for hitting the person undergoing massage gently in order to generate friction and heat. This improves circulation in the body and brought great relief.
With slight modifications, we now use this massage technique all over the world. Sportspersons achieve greater flexibility and motion apart from pain relief. Other names for this technique include connective tissue massage, point massage or reflexology massage. When you visit Cora Spa Dubai, you will get to know more about it.
The Technique of Russian Massage
Experts have derived this technique from the older version of Russian massage which had gentle strokes from oak or birch trees. The modern Russian massage also applies softer and slower strokes. This generates friction and the resultant heat in the body.
Other elements of a Russian massage are slapping, vibration as well as kneading motions. These parts of the therapy remove tension from muscles and soft tissues. Cora Spa has well-versed practitioners for this job.
Benefits of Russian Massage
Russian massage is greatly helpful for sportspersons and makes their body more agile and flexible. It is also highly useful for those athletes who are undergoing rehabilitation after suffering injuries. The most wonderful thing about this type of massage is that while the motions employed are primarily aimed at removing muscle tension, they also bring a host of other benefits.
These include improvement in breathing, better working of the digestive system, relief from stress and anxiety. Other benefits include stronger immune system and healthier functioning of the blood circulatory mechanisms. Such a torrent of benefits explain why this technique is gaining popularity all around the world and even among customers at Cora Spa.
Our Services
Russian massage is a highly-specialized field and requires practitioners who are impeccably trained to undertake this task. Precisely for this reason, Cora Spa is the best place to head to if you want massage near Dubai Mall.
At Cora Spa Dubai, we combine a most comfortable and relaxing environment with an expert team. They know every little element of the massage types which they employ. You will also have the luxury to choose the duration of your Russian massage near Dubai Mall.
If you are in need of a quick fix at the end of a tough working day, pop in for a 30-minute massage. For those who have a little more time at their disposal, a one-hour treatment would be both refreshing and reinvigorating. It is a holiday and you seek an extended period of relaxation at Cora Spa Dubai? Enjoy a full 90-minutes package!
Since you will be getting a massage near Dubai Mall, you can enjoy some good shopping and eating after you are finished with your treatment at Cora Spa Dubai.